This is a black and white photo of the Lord Mayor Pat Kerrigan making a presentation to the composer Bernard Geary in the company of festival Chairman Donal Lehane, festival director Dermot Breen, and the tenor Kevin Owens. The Lord Mayor, wearing…
This is a black and white photo of the actor David Kelly at the festival club with Vida Breen and Margaret Kerrigan. The formally dressed group are sitting, with a colleague identified as Vaz Anderson, under an umbrella at the busy Harp…
This is a black and white photo of the French film director François Truffaut, Lord Mayor Pat Kerrigan, Miss Movie Girl Betty Philbin, and the film festival director Dermot Breen. They are standing in a huddle having a conversation; Breen is…
This is a black and white photo of the French film director François Truffaut with Lord Mayor Pat Kerrigan, American actor Carroll Baker and festival director Dermot Breen. All four are standing in front of a cinema ticket office advertising the…
This is a black and white photo of the French film director François Truffaut signing the visitors' book, probably at the Cork City Hall. The Lord Mayor, Pat Kerrigan, is seated by him looking up towards the camera while Truffaut signs the book. The…