This is a black and white photo of the German actor Eva-Ingeborg Scholz standing on the deck of a small wooden boat with an unidentified companion who crouches below her on the right of the picture. Scholz, with barefeet, is wearing a dark jumper and…
This is a black and white group photo of the German film actor Eva-Ingeborg Scholz with the Lord Mayor Seán McCarthy (1889-1974) and others identified at the back of the photo as Vida Breen, the Lord Mayor Seán McCarthy, Norma Crosbie, the Lord…
This is a black and white photo of Father Burke with a group of film festival delegates from the first year of the festival in 1956. Father Burke is standing on the left in a dark suit and white-collar, his colleagues on the right are both in dark…
This is an undated black and white photo of the festival committee. The small group of six men pose for the camera smiling, on and around a staircase. While the men are unidentified we recognise Robin O’Sullivan and Gus Healy, second left on the…
This is a black and white group photo of the festival team at a press briefing for the international press. Nameplates and small flags representing various countries decorate the table around which attendees are seated. There are no identifying marks…
This is a black and white photo of festival delegates posing on the tarmac of the airport runway. The convivial group are not identified but we recognise some from the archive. On the right, wearing a dark suit accessorised with a large cross on a…
This is a black and white photo of festival director Robin O’Sullivan with the Irish actor Mary Larkin. O’Sullivan, with a rose in the lapel of his jacket, is turned towards Larkin as she speaks to him. Born in Dublin, Larkin played parts in the…
This is a black and white photo, marked ‘1960s’, of two unidentified festival guests seated at a table laden with papers. The grey-haired man, in a casual light-coloured jacket, faces forward smiling, while his companion, in a natty trilby-style hat,…
This is a black and white photo of unidentified guests taken outdoors. The photo is unmarked but we guess that two of the guests are the Monty Python actor Carol Cleveland on the far left, and actor Imogen Hassall on the far right. Hassall came to…
This black and white image shows two unidentified festival guests standing together smiling for the camera. Between them they are holding a St Finbarr statuette. We recognise the trellis in the background from other archive images which suggests that…