This is a black and white contact sheet of festival staff Mick Hannigan and Theo Dorgan. The contact sheet comprises four strips, with nine images in total. The numbered images show three head and shoulder publicity shots each of Dorgan and Hannigan…
This is a black and white contact sheet of festival staff. The contact sheet comprises four strips each with five images of varying quality. The sheet, annotated with a blue marker, shows the festival team in varying poses at, and around, the office…
This is a black and white contact sheet of six strips with images of varying quality. The sheet, annotated with a red marker, shows various award presentations, recipients, and awards. We recognise Lord Mayor Sean O’Leary (1941-2006) which helps us…
This is a black and white photo of the English film and television composer and conductor Philip Green in conversation Cardinal John Carmel Heenan. The photo is undated but it was probably taken in 1971 during the recording of St Patrick’s Mass which…
This black and white photo shows the composer Philip Green, in glasses on the left, in a huddle with festival committee members. The back of the photo notes the company of David Coughlan, Dick Murphy, and Frank Dorgan. Philip Green was born in East…
This is a black and white photo of the Cork-born musician Bernard Geary and the actor Michael Twomey. Both men, dressed in evening wear, stand in front of microphones on a stage draped in curtains. They stare out to an unseen audience with smiles on…
This is a black and white photo of the Cork-born musician Bernard Geary being presented an award or memento by festival director Dermot Breen. Geary, on the left of the photo, is turned towards Breen as he accepts the award whilst shaking hands. The…
This is a black and white photo of the Irish filmmaker Colm Ó Laoghaire accepting an award from Arthur Watkins, president of the International Federation of Film Producers Association. The award was for the best film in the educational section for…
This is a black and white photo of the closing night of the festival in 1967 and shows guests and dignitaries seated across the expanse of the City Hall stage. A small white table at the front of the stage displays four St Finbarr statuettes,…
This is a black and white photo of the Chinese actor, director, and author Tsai Chin with a group of delegates identified at the back of the photo as Alan Buttonshaw, Vida Breen, Robin O'Sullivan, Frank O'Reilly, and Kevin Breen. The formally dressed…